work with me to access your subconscious mind & awaken your potential


My expertise is working with the sub-conscious mind to identify blindspots that are you keeping you limited and release core mental & energetic blocks, so that you can FULLY step into the next stage of your life experiencing abundance and deep soul fulfilment.

Transpersonal Healing : Premium Coaching : Somatic Integration

A Diamond Experience


What brought you here today?


Is this you?

You’re a coach, healer, entrepreneur or soulful individual ready to make a make a life-changing pivot?

You have explored personal development, completed courses, read spiritual books, joined online webinars yet still can’t get “unstuck” and move into the next level of your business, abundance and purpose

You sometimes have a strong sense of clarity, but it changes and you find yourself unclear again.

You continually search for answers, going in many directions yet end up at a similar spot within yourself.

You know there is greatness inside of you and you’re ready to transform your life.

You want to step into leadership and create abundance.

You’re “just on the edge” of a breakthrough; yet that quantum leap never seems to happen.

Perhaps you have joined a mastermind or group coaching program, you’ve applied the strategies in your business yet, something deeper is blocking you.

You have some understanding of Quantum Mechanics, Personal Development, Laws of Nature, Manifestation which you have used sporadically, yet you find yourself wanting a more profound break-through.


You feel there must be so more to life.

You know there is more potential inside of you.

Maybe you have a clear vision of your desired future, yet internal resistance continues to short-circuit the vision coming into reality.

Or perhaps you want to gain clarity on your vision. Maybe you’re not sure what the next step is.

How do I know all of this? Because I have been there.

I studied so many courses, from two University degrees in psychology & communications, neurolinguistic programming, breathwork, trauma release, yoga teacher training, life coaching, shamanic and tantric arts .. yet I continued to hit an wall of resistance.

When I dived deep into my sub-conscious and transmuting the hidden programs keeping me trapped, I was able to free myself and step into my Divine Purpose.

My Divine Purpose

I am here to help leaders uncover their deepest truth and unlock their potential, allowing them to step into the next stage of their expansion. Through dissolving subconscious blindspots , integrating soul & strategy I help leaders claim more abundance & purpose in business and life.
